In this part, I try to teach on numbers.
Number - Nomer (no-mer)
Counting numbers:
1 = Satu (sa-tu)
2 = Dua (du-a)
3 = Tiga (ti-ga)
4 = Empat (em-pat)
5 = Lima (li-ma)
6 = Enam (e-nam)
7 = Tujuh (tu-juh)
8 = Delapan (de-la-pan)
9 = Sembilan (sem-bi-lan)
10 = Sepuluh (se-pu-luh)
11 = Sebelas (se-be-las)
12 and so on .... = Just put one number and add 'belas'. e.g - Duabelas (12, du-a-be-las), Tigabelas (13, ti-ga-be-las),... only number 11 that different.
20 = Duapuluh (du-a-pu-luh)
21 = Dua puluh satu (du-a-sa-tu, (20+1)), put 'puluh' before 1. And it same for the rest until 99.
100 = Seratus (se-ra-tus), not 'Satu+Ratus'. For 100, become 'Se' not 'Satu', but if the number like this;
101 = Seratus satu, not Seratus se. It becomes normal like in one digit number.
102 = Seratus dua (100+2)
110 = Seratus sepuluh (100+10)
200 = Duaratus
201 = Duaratus satu (200+1)
1000 = Seribu (se-ri-bu)
1100 = Seribuseratus (1000+100)
1111 = Seribuseratu sebelas (1000+100+11)
2000 = Duaribu
3000 = Tigaribu
While numbers for place is different for counting words
1st = Pertama
2nd... = For 2nd and so on just add 'Ke' before number. e.g - 2nd = Kedua (ke-du-a), 3rd = Ketiga, 4th = Keempat and the rest is same, add 'Ke'
Let me introduce myself = Ijinkan Saya memperkenalkan diri (i-jin-kan-sa-ya-mem-per-ke-nal-kan-di-ri)
My name is ... = Nama Saya ... (na-ma-sa-ya....)
I'm from ... = Saya dari ... (sa-ya-da-ri...)
USA = Indonesian usually just say Amerika (a-me-ri-ka) or Amerika Serikat (a-me-ri-ka-se-ri-kat). Amerika refers to USA, not the whole America
UK = Inggris (ing-gris)
Greece = Yunani (yu-na-ni)
Norway = Norwegia (nor-we-gi-a)
Belgium Belgia (bel-gi-a)
Japan = Jepang (je-pang)
Netherlands = Indonesian usually say Belanda (be-lan-da) or Holand while mostly Indonesian does not know Netherlands, Belanda or Holand are common.
South Korea = Korea Selatan (ko-re-a-se-la-tan) or Korsel for short words
North Korea = Korea Utara (ko-re-a-u-ta-ra) or Korut for short words
Russia = Rusia (single 'S')
Spain = Sepanyol (se-pa-nyol)
Argentina (no different)
Uruguay = Uruguai
Germany = Jerman (jer-man)
Singapore = Singapura or Singapur
In Indonesia, word Indo is using for people that their mom/dad form outside Indonesia (Half- Indonesian) or Bule (bu-le), but Bule refers to people from outside Indonesia. While words Indo also use of people from Indonesia that life on other country, or Indonesia descent.
e.g - (see this people that Indo)
- Millane Fernandez (Indonesian singer)
- Mikaila Patritz (Indonesian actress, model)
- Sheryl Gething/Shae (Indonesian singer)
- Cinta Laura Kiehl (Indonesian actress)
And many more...
While Bule like:
- Lee Jeong Hoon (South Korea. Indonesia singer, actor)
- Senk Lotta (Uzbekistan. Indonesia actress, model)
- Jono Armstrong (UK. Indonesia musician)
and many more
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