Kawasan Surabaya Barat tak hentinya berkembang. Selain G-Walk, Anda bisa
menemukan tempat makan dan nongkrong yang cozy di Loop. Lokasinya
terkelat di kompleks Plaza Graha Family, dekat dengan D’ Cost dan
Pakuwon Trade Center. Bagian paling menarik dari Loop adalah konsep
taman yang didesain secara melingkar. Selain itu, resto yang ada di sini
juga dibagi-bagi ke dalam 6 zona yang berbeda.
Berbagai makanan juga cemilan dengan olahan Western, Indonesian,
Chinese, dan lain-lain dapat Anda temukan di Loop. Anda bisa menikmati
kuliner di Jungle atau River Zone. Masakan khas Indonesia dapat Anda
cicipi di Valley Zone.
If you want to donate some bitcoin, I really appreciate.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Friday, September 25, 2015
We Are One, One Unity, We Are Indonesia
Indonesia has motto 'Bhinneka Tunggal Ika', the old Javanese phrase. It means 'Unity In Diversity', and this motto we can see in national emblem, below the Pancasila. The Pancasila is Indonesia ideology.
Pancasila (pronounced [pantʃaˈsila]) is the official philosophical foundation of the Indonesian state. Pancasila consists of two Old Javanese words (originally from Sanskrit): "pañca" meaning five, and "sīla" meaning principles. It comprises five principles held to be inseparable and interrelated:
Learn Bahasa Indonesia (part 2)
In this part, I will teach you daily conversation.
Apa Kabar? = How are you?
Aku/Saya Cinta Kamu = I love you. You can use 'Aku' or 'Saya', both have same meaning, but usually, 'Saya' more polite than 'Aku'
Saya Mau Makan = I want to eat
Saya sedang makan pagi = I am having a breakfast
Saya sedang makan siang = I am having a lunch
Apa Kabar? = How are you?
Aku/Saya Cinta Kamu = I love you. You can use 'Aku' or 'Saya', both have same meaning, but usually, 'Saya' more polite than 'Aku'
Saya Mau Makan = I want to eat
Saya sedang makan pagi = I am having a breakfast
Saya sedang makan siang = I am having a lunch
Brown Canyon, Mulai Populer di Semarang
Apa yang terlintas dalam pikiran kalian jika mendengar kata
“Semarang”? Mungkin kalian akan menjawab lunpia, wingko babat, Lawang
Sewu, Simpang Lima, dan sebagainya. Tapi apakah kalian tahu jika
akhir-akhir ini di Semarang sedang ramai-ramainya diperbincangkan sebuah
tempat wisata baru yang sering disebut Brown Canyon?
Sebuah tempat dimana kita bisa foto-foto asyik dengan pemandangan
yang memukau sehingga cocok untuk dipamerkan di instagram atau media
sosial lainnya. Banyak sekali mahasiswa atau pelajar yang menggandrungi
tempat ini.
Sukuh Temple
In a magnificent position on the slopes of Gunung Lawu, 900m above
the Solo plain, Candi Sukuh is one of Java’s most enigmatic and striking
temples. It’s not a large site, but it has a large, truncated pyramid
of rough-hewn stone, and there are some fascinating reliefs and statues.
It’s clear that a fertility cult was practised here: several explicit
carvings have led it to be dubbed the ‘erotic’ temple. It’s a quiet,
isolated place with a strange, potent atmosphere.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Friday, September 18, 2015
Things You Should Know About Indonesia
- Indonesia flag has two color; red and white, and it is same with Monaco flag which are red and white.
![]() | |
Flag |
- Indonesia is the 4th largest population after; China (1), India (2), USA (3).
- Indonesia have more than 300 regional languages while Bahasa Indonesia is national language.
Lombok: Beyond the Islamic tourism drive, it can be an island for everyone
By: Brigid D
The Indonesian island is pushing itself as a ‘Muslim-friendly’ tourism
destination, but Lombok has something to offer people of all backgrounds
and beliefs
It’s August 2013 and I am in Lombok. Eid has ended and the traffic has stalled. Forget that we are in a rural road that is cut into the side of a hill overlooking the ocean – this snarl is as bad as anything I experienced in downtown Jakarta or the clogged roads around Bali’s Seminyak and Ubud. Only the aesthetic differs: there are no western tourists walking around wearing bikinis; instead most of the women climbing off motorbikes and carrying their picnics to the hill wear headscarves.
While the Hindu island of Bali has an ‘anything goes’ vibe, Lombok has a different character. The scenery is more mountainous and arid, and the vibe more serious – even austere. A largely Muslim island, tourists visit for the peace and quiet, the great beaches and diving and proximity to the popular Gili islands. Hotels and resorts that are opening are less spring break or schoolies, more sedate places of rest and relaxation.
While the Hindu island of Bali has an ‘anything goes’ vibe, Lombok has a different character. The scenery is more mountainous and arid, and the vibe more serious – even austere. A largely Muslim island, tourists visit for the peace and quiet, the great beaches and diving and proximity to the popular Gili islands. Hotels and resorts that are opening are less spring break or schoolies, more sedate places of rest and relaxation.
Asyik! Indonesia Sekarang Punya Jalur Tebing Via Ferrata
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Operator penyedia jasa wisata,
Skywalker telah meresmikan pemanjatan via ferrata di Tebing Parang,
Purwakarta, Jawa Barat pada awal Februari 2015. Via Ferrata merupakan
sistem pemanjatan tebing dengan menggunakan lintasan besi yang telah
dipasang dan pengaman kabel baja sepanjang lintasan tebing. Hal itu
disampaikan oleh salah satu pemilik Skywalker, Muhammad Rubini
Kertapati, atau akrab dipanggil Bibin ketika dihubungi Kompas.com, Rabu (18/2/2015).
“Dengan klasifikasi kesulitan Clasiccal Via Ferrata dengan tingkat
kemiringan rendah, semua orang dapat memanjat Tebing Parang setinggi 150
meter ini dan merasakan sensasi ketinggian serta menikmati indahnya
alam Purwakarta dari ketinggian,” katanya.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Indonesia hopeful diplomatic relations with Australia will improve under Malcolm Turnbull leadership
The Indonesian government has welcomed the leadership change in Australia, saying it hopes diplomatic relations can improve under Malcolm Turnbull's leadership.
During Tony Abbott's time as leader a spying row, controversy over boat turn-backs and the execution of the Bali Nine duo saw Australia's diplomatic relationship with Indonesia plummet to what many described as an all-time low.
During Tony Abbott's time as leader a spying row, controversy over boat turn-backs and the execution of the Bali Nine duo saw Australia's diplomatic relationship with Indonesia plummet to what many described as an all-time low.
Togian Islands
Togean Islands is a beautiful island group in the Tomini Gulf, reachable
from Gorontalo in the north and Ampana in the south. The journey to get
there is long, but worth it!
The Togians Islands are very close to the equator, due to that are all islands covered with tropical rain forest. Special for the Togian Islands is the Coconut Crab which can grow up to 4kg. The reefs surrounding all islands are full of tropical fish.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Flight Price to Indonesia
From - To:
London to Jakarta = around 470 USD/300 GBP above (one way)
Washington to:
London to Jakarta = around 470 USD/300 GBP above (one way)
Washington to:
Learn Bahasa Indonesia
Speak Bahasa Indonesia is not hard as you imagine. Learn Bahasa Indonesia is simple, but before that, Bahasa Indonesia is a language that Indonesian use to communicate each other. Indonesia have more than 300 languages, so Bahasa Indonesia is using to communicate within cities/region. For example, see this picture:
Friday, September 11, 2015
Feel the ancient Javanese style
If you want to feel the ancient Javanese style, you have to visit this restaurant. The atmosphere will bring you the feel of Javanese in the ancient time. The 'Kedai Rakjat Djelata', it places on Jl. Dr. Sutomo No.54, Yogyakarta, 55211, Indonesia. Kedai means stall and Rakjat Djelata was old Indonesia words for Rakyat Jelata, it means commonalty.
X Factor Indonesia
The X Factor Indonesia is a Indonesian television music competition, adapted from the original UK show as part of The X Factor franchise, to find new singing talent in the Indonesia. It is also the second franchise to be adapted in Southeast Asia. Source
X Factor Indonesia held every 2 years.
Season 1 (28 December 2012 – 24 May 2013)
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Base G Beach
Base G beach, actually has a name Tanjung Ria. However, it locates on western of Jayapura and directly adjacent to the Pacific Ocean, making the allied forces during World War II, in 1944 ago landed on the beach and set up a military base in the name of G Base Camp. The waves not to heavy, so it safe to swim even just playing on the water. This beach has not sea urchins, so its comfort enough to swim.
Friday, September 4, 2015
House of Sampoerna, the Cigarette Museum
Surabaya, the city of heroes and the second largest city after Jakarta. Many interesting places that we can find in this city. One of them is House of Sampoerna the Cigarette Museum. The building itself is a wonderful 19th-century Dutch structure,
originally an orphanage but later converted into a theatre (indeed
Charlie Chaplin once dropped by). The former lobby is now the museum and
is something of a shrine to the Sampoerna empire. It has exhibits on
the use of cloves and the history of kretek in Indonesia,
Derawan Islands
Derawan Islands (Indonesian: Kepulauan Derawan) are in the province of East Kalimantan in Indonesia. They include Derawan, Sangalaki, Kakaban, Maratua, Panjang, and Samama Island and submerged reefs and islets. They are located in the Sulawesi Sea, on the coastal shelf of East Kalimantan (2°17′N - 118°13′E). The islands are part of the Berau Regency.
Indonesia Figures
Indonesia President & Vice President
1. Ir. Soekarno ![]() |
Ir. Soekarno |
- Mohammad Hatta (vice President) (1)
- Term: 18 August 1945 - 12 March 1967 (vacant (1956–1973))
- As the first president and vice president of Indonesia
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Nusakambangan Island
If America has Alcatraz prison, so Indonesia has Nusakambangan prison. It is almost the same like Alcatraz, Nusakambangan is a super class prison. It is prison for terrorist, super S criminal, super S corruptor, or prisoner who sentenced to death they kill in Nusakambangan. In spite of that,
The Amazing Wae Rebo
Wae Rebo is an old Manggaraian village, situated in pleasant,
isolated mountain scenery. The village offers visitors a unique
opportunity to see authentic Manggarai housing and to experience the
everyday life of the local community. In the village of Wae Rebo,
visitors can see mbaru niang – traditional, circular cone-shaped houses
with very unique architecture. Nowadays, it is still a place to hold
meetings, rituals and Sunday-morning prayers together.
The village can only be reached by way of a three-hour hike
(depending on your physical condition) from the lowlands. The hike is
definitely worth the effort: the dense rain forest along the narrow path
to Wae Rebo is one of a stunning biological diversity. Not only does it
host interesting vegetation, including orchids, palms, and different
ferns, but also an impressive population of singing birds.
Entertaiment Industry in Indonesia
In globalization era, it easier for someone to move from one country to another country. In Indonesia itself, entertainment industry not only from Indonesian but now we can see much foreigners on it. In this condition, I very proud about it because gradually people can 'see' Indonesia. Such as:
- Haruka Nakagawa - Japan
- Haruka Nakagawa (仲川 遥香), was a member of group JKT48's Team J, former member of the groups AKB48 and Watariroka Hashiritai, all produced by Yasushi Akimoto. Her agency is Production Ogi. (source) Besides that, she sometimes become cast on TV talkshow.
Arkarna and Kebyar-kebyar by Gombloh
In order to celebrate the 70th Indonesia Independence Day, bands from England Arkarna sing-Kebyar Kebyar. Kebyar-Kebyar itself is a song from Indonesia legendary musicians , Gombloh. It made a new breakthrough because Arkarna rendition Indonesian language. Moreover,
Lawang Sewu, Semarang
Lawang Sewu is a relic of an ancient building which was built in 1904. It was for Nederlandsch Indishe Spoorweg Naatschappij (NIS). This building has three floor with art deco style (1850-1940) and it architected by Prof. Jacob F Klinkhamer and BJ Queendag from Dutch. Lawang Sewu located on the east side Tugu Muda Semarang, or on a street corner Pandanaran and Pemuda street. Called Lawang Sewu (Thousand Doors), this is because the building has much door. (Source)
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