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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Indonesian music genres

There are a lot of music genres in this world, but there are music genres that olny can find in Indonesia. There are 3 types of them; Keroncong, Campursari, and Dangdut.

It called Keroncong because comes from the instrument, the sound like chrong-chrong-chrong. Usually with instruments such as; Ukulele, Cello, Guitar, Bass, Flute, Violin. Mostly,

Friday, January 22, 2016

You Should Know More About Indonesia

Many people from outside Indonesia think that Indonesian is tanned or yellow skin tone. Indonesian does not like other country in South East Asia that has 1 or 2 skin tones, Indonesian has more than 2 skins tone.

Many people still does not know about black Indonesian or they called it as Indonesian-Afro. Mostly

Learn Bahasa Indonesia (part4)

In this part, I try to teach on numbers.

Number - Nomer (no-mer)
Counting numbers:
1 = Satu (sa-tu)
2 = Dua (du-a)
3 = Tiga (ti-ga)
4 = Empat (em-pat)
5 = Lima (li-ma)
6 = Enam (e-nam)